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Auxiliary Culinary AssistanceFebruary 29, 2024/in Training/by Doug Hoffman

Fellow Division 19 Auxiliarists,

Do you like to cook? Want to augment the Coast Guard services?  Then the Auxiliary Culinary Assistance (CA) Program might be for you.
There is a significant need for additional CAs to support both Coast Guard and Auxiliary operations.
Here are some resources which you can explore to learn about the Culinary Assistance Program:
++ Auxiliarists attending Spring DTRAIN can attend an info session to learn about the program.
Auxiliary Culinary Assistance
Intro to Culinary Assistance—FRI 1330-1430
A discussion of the requirements of becoming an Auxiliary Culinary Assistant, including the annual requirements for Auxiliarists. Culinary Assistants assist Coast Guard Culinary Specialists ashore and afloat both domestically and internationally.
++ The most recent edition of the  “Navigator” magazine contains an article, “An Adventure of a Lifetime: Culinary Assistants Aboard USCGC KIMBALL”, (pp. 64-67) which describes the history, training and missions of the program.
++ A Facebook page, U.S.C.G. Auxiliary Culinary Assistance Program, (See attached file.) is used by its Followers to share experiences, information and photos from around the nation and other deployment areas.
The Culinary Assistance Program can be an opportunity to learn and/or share culinary skills and knowledge while providing important, vital services to fellow members on both the Gold and Silver sides.
If any of you have been or currently are Culinary Assistants, please let me know. I want to explore the possibility of a conference call and/or ZOOM meeting to share some of our experiences and thoughts as well as keep you updated about current requirements and events.
Feel free to reach out to me for additional information.
Douglas Dockey